Would Your Coworkers Survive the Apocalypse? (Oh, and Happy New Year!)

Wowzers. Happy New Year, everybody. I know it’s a little belated, but I think I also kind of just wanted the first blogged word of 2024 to be “wowzers”, if I’m honest.

Hope your respective holidays were all grand, and your Resolutions such as they might exist are so far going to plan. Normally, I’m big on making Resolutions for the New Year and doing what I can to see them through. Thing is, I’d made a habit out of making Resolutions that were ambitious to a degree that I would need to devote an average of six hours a day, every day, for the whole year to see them through.

It’s usually a list of things I’d like to accomplish, since I find vague Resolutions such as “Swear Less” and “Get More Sleep” as being too easy carry out for a day then check off one’s list. “See? Went a whole day without saying ‘F***’. Good enough.” Whereas giving yourself things to accomplish can bring about those changes you want to see along the way to completing them.

This time though, rather than a huge list of things like Run a Marathon, Write a Book, Save Up $100k on a $30k Annual Salary, and other huge tasks, I’m going more moderate. I AM going to finally finish my novel manuscript goddammit, but now instead of a marathon I want to run an old trail I used to when I was active; and instead of a million dollars in savings, I’ll settle for actually starting my 401k like I’ve been telling myself I will and doing my taxes on time this year (like I also always tell myself I will).

Anyway, enough potatoes, now for the meat.

[After this quick note, because speaking of po-tay-toes, my wife and I went to a Lord of the Rings trivia night a couple weeks ago. I recently finished reading the books, and we did a rewatch of the extended cut of the movies. I wanted to be extra prepared though, so I also took a few online quizzes to make sure I was sharp, and you know what? We got first place and a $25 gift card for our efforts! So whoever said being a geek doesn’t pay can cover their own tab.]

Right. Potatoes done. Meat now.

I remember asking this icebreaker at a wedding once, and it earned me a friend for the night. It isn’t applicable to everyone, since everyone’s work environments and professions vary wildly, so I just picture a “typical” office setting when I ask it. It goes as follows:

If the apocalypse happened while you were at work and you couldn’t leave – say the building you’re in gets buried in radioactive snow full of mutant beetles or something, I don’t know – and communications are down so you’re isolated with just your colleagues now, what sort of hierarchy do you think would emerge?

To think of it another way if you need it, your coworkers and you are all stranded together on a deserted island. Do you think the organization of the workplace would persist into that new post-apocalyptic, survival scenario, with the managers and whatnot still giving directions and organization to the lower level workers? Would it stay that way because it’s easier and pre-existing? Or would that all dissolve and reshape into a new form of leadership, with Lyla from accounting becoming the new Chief and the old CEO Todd now relegated to being the Water Boy?

The guy at the wedding who I asked about this was pretty quick to posit the latter scenario, though when he said it, he started with “Oh, f*** those people,” so his answer could be considered biased.

I would get into a larger conversation about how thinking on it a bit creates an interesting perspective on social organization as a whole, and why we follow the rules we generally follow in our daily lives (Social Contract, and all), but that’s too brainy for this little pocket of the internet we got here, at least for right now.

For right now, it’s a fun question to pose to fellow wedding guests or to make conversation when you don’t know anybody else at a party or something. Tools for life, that’s what we provide here at the Light of Day.

Go now, in peace and power, y’all, and conversate with strangers about how you’d likely cannibalize Eddy in IT or something.

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